Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Monday

Well, it is Monday and Christmas is over. I had a great time both inside of WoW and outside of WoW.

Outside of WoW, I was very grateful.....grateful that I didnt have to eat one more piece of fucking ham or turkey. At the in-laws they made prime rib and my family made steak. SCORE. I don't know what it is, but I just don't generally like Holiday food. It sucks. While at my families, we had barbequed little smokeys and meatball in the same dish. Of course I couldn't go ten seconds without making a joke about all of the weenies and balls we were shoving into our mouths :)

Inside of WoW, I got quite a bit done as well. My Deathknight is now 80 and collecting gear. I have picked up two pieces of emblem gear already. I also grabbed a piece on my Warlock over the weekend. The thing I am noticing is that the DPS pretty much sucks ass now. You are getting far less of the big 4k dps guys. When I run on my Pally, I almost always end up in first. On my Deathknight I have been top dps several times as well despite pretty crap gear overall. My DK is generally clocking in at about 2.5k dps as blood.

The biggest thing I need to work on with my Deathnugget is hit. I have way to fucking almost 12 percent way too fucking much. Unfortunately, almost every upgrade I have gotten has slathered me with hit like I was some baby back ribs.

Anyways, how was your Holiday weekend?


Arioch said...

My family does BBQ for the holidays. Easter, Christmas, Mother's Day... we BBQ for all of it.

My DK will gladly take your excess hit. I'm at 70 so I know I don't need quite as much, but I'm having a tough time finding gear out of BC that isn't itemized retardedly.

Darraxus said...

0_0 Also, I just 460 hit :( 14 fircking precent. I am almost capped on my spells lol.

Unknown said...

Just dinged 80 with Tsurii yesterday at 7 PM MST, and by 11 PM I already had my first two pieces of i200 gear (shoulders and ring). Long live ToC.

Now to get rid of this crappy green questing sword *grumble*

Dread said...

Could you switch to dual-wielding?

Darraxus said...

I dont have good DW weapons unfortunately

Vordan said...

Dinged 80 on my horde pally late last night, have my 245 shoulders, and almost all my questing stuff is gone lol. Ive been called a carried scrub about 20 times because "your gear sucks dude". All I say, thats why Im doing heroics dipshit!

Darraxus said...

That must be why I havent really seen you online.

Vordan said...

I keep looking for you or Mopar online, but havent seen either of you on so I go back over and grind more dungeon son my horde...