and don't be a douche about it. If you are wrong, don't be a douche and keep insisting you are right. I am seeing this on a fairly regular basis, especially with the new pug system.
I had one group where two guys were arguing back and forth about the mechanics of the Devourer of Souls fight. One was saying that everyone needs to stop damaging him when he puts up his soul link (or whatever that shit is called). The other insisted that it was only the one who got the link that had to stop DPS. This went back and forth, unpleasant words were exchanged, and I was just hoping they would shut their fucking mouth.
This brings me to what could be one of my greatest invention. I already came up with the Muthafucking Uppercut for that special someone. My newest invention is the Eat Crow or Die. It is simple really. If you have been generally been acting like a douchebag and passing on incorrect information, you have two choice. Eat Crow.....or Die. Simple. You either admit you were being a fuckity fucktard or you get deadly mustard gas released from your computer and you DIE.
Ok, so maybe that is a bit harsh.....but I know you have probably thought the same thing as I have. Sometimes people just need to shut the hell up. If someone sucks, usually "LULZ you suck" is not going to help. If you know how to fix their problem, then help and don't be Emperor Douchebagimus. If it is a gear matter and not skill.....then fucking get over it. If they are performing at an acceptable level, then let it go....or fuck off yourself. Admittedly, I will say something from time to time.
Just the other day I was in Heroic Occulus....there was a Hunter......doing 600 dps. I ask why he is doing 600 dps. His answer? "Because I suck lulz. I leveled to 80 by PvP and have all 70 gear lulz." This guy put zero effort into gearing before coming into a pug and being a complete waste of space. This guy would certainly qualify for the Muthafucking Uppercut.
Anyways, if you don't know shit, then don't say shit. If you do, speak up and dont be a fuckwad about it. Thank you.
OK so what's the correct strategy for the Devourer of Souls? I still haven't done that one yet.
When DMB tells you stop aattacking....stop attacking. Stay out of purple shit....and thats about it. Not really difficult.
When DMB tells you stop aattacking....stop attacking. Stay out of purple shit....and thats about it. Not really difficult.
With the devourer the one that is mirrored takes damage, no matter who is hitting him, I know this because mirror has gone on me and that fucking rogue 19k cri'd my ass dead!
I made a macro for someone who didnt have DBM, in fact I made two.. One said Stop fucking hitting him and one said get out of the purple shit. If you do that, its golden.
There are 2 exceptions I can think of to stop attacking in Devourer of Souls and they are tricky if you are in a PuG: mage is targeted and Ice Blocks, paladin in the party bubbles the targeted person.
So when I'm in a guild run, I'll call out in vent that I'm bubbled and they can attack. In a pug, I just IB to save my skin because no one will stop attacking.
"fuckity fucktard" lulz
I save my bubble for my own ass when people dont stop dps because it always seems that Im the one being mirrored. I seem to have to explain this fight to all the groups I am in. One guy thought that since he didnt have the mirror on him, it didnt apply to him (her/it). Essentially the tank said "So we wiped ourselves you dumbass" /vote to kick dumbass dps.
Yeah... On the rogue I Cloak of Shadows. And the Shammy I just start throwing heals on myself.
"deadly mustard gas"
sounds intense
Hahaha Vordan, just combine that into one macro and save space, spam it the whole time. I got a good laugh with this one though. Amazing how dumb they can be, eh?
For the most part, I'm glad my PUGs have gone well. Since I'm new and gearing, I've gotten very little grief while in heroics, but I'm also not worthless. I'm pulling in 12-1500 DPS on average, which isn't great, but isn't terribad, either.
It's when we get uberleet Deathtards like I had last night in Heroic Gundrak facepulling two groups of mobs into me (death) and tanking a group of mobs by pulling and then running from left to right for no good reason, making it impossible to stay up close to build up rage and stick to my rotation, that make the veins in my forehead bulge. This asshat then had the temerity to tell me my DPS was low (was a little over 1k because of all of this).
Dude...seriously...go bask in your recount 'leetness elsewhere and learn how to do your job.
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