To be sick apparently. Being sick is horrible. You know you are not feeling well when you dont even really want to play WoW.
Last night I farted around on my DK a little bit and got him to level 72. This was probably the activity that I could put the least amount of thought into and still actually play.
Rotations and thinking make my head hurt, and not in a Paris Hilton way.
I guess that my sick past time is leveling alts. It really doesnt take too much effort and when else am I going to find the time to do it?
It is currently maintenance time.......which means I am going to try to have something to eat. Cup O Noodles FTW!
I hope you didn't come down with the flu of the swine, as well. That was not a fun time. But, while I was out for 4 days, all I really did was level my main, so I can relate. I started completely over on September 7th with a brand-new undead warrior and hit lvl 60 as of Oct 25th, which I thought was fairly impressive. I'm astounded at how much easier leveling has been now that the riding cap has been lowered. Outlands, particularly, has been stupid easy since I can fly at 60. It's like having a cheat code :-)
@Darraxus - Hope you feel well soon. I agree with you, playing my new hunter was the best I could do when I was fighting the flu last weekends. I was able to muster enough brain power to control myself for the daily JC quest but that was it on the main.
@Kusamoto - Totally, once you can fly the game is just not as restrictive but for me the questlines can get a bit disjointed. A good and bad thing, for me.
feel better soon
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