Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Almost like RP without trying

As I said previously, I am leveling a Warrior and a throwaway priest on Alextraza. Now, I am not really one to roleplay in WoW. I loved the pen and paper games growing up, but I could never get into the RP aspect in video games.

Somehow, my throwaway priest has developed his own personality. His name is Nomnomhealz.....and he is a troll.

Not only is he a troll, but he is fucking ugly. Like pretty much as ugly as I could make him. He has some ugly blonde braided top knot thing going on......it kinda looks like a turd. That and he is a troll. Fugly.

The two main things that kind have fleshed out this toon are:

1) Dying. He somehow finds a way to die in almost every instance. I just laugh about it now. He has that knack for pulling that extra patrol when everyone else is clear of the area.

2) Scaring the shit out of me. I dont know how many times that he has literally made me jump a little bit thinking he was a mob. It especially doesnt help when I am running ZF.

So yeah. I created the world's ugliest and most unlucky troll.

On a side note, they are both 39 now. Gained 9 more levels last night. I am leveling less than 30 minutes per level thus far.


Vordan said...

I find it funny because you usually have your warrior in front and they still go for Nomnomdead. I thought it was just hilarious when you said, Oh shit aggro, never mind Nomnom scared me... priceless. You had Nomnom aggro.

Tam said...

Haha, this is brilliant. I particularly love the way you keep thinking he's a mob. I have a low level huntard in the Barrens and I keep thinking her pet is coming to get me...

Daergel said...

I scared the shit out of someone once when I went to visit Chromie in that house in Andorhal (WPL). I was playing my lock and left my felguard outside the door to her room and another player wandered in and he was the first thing they saw.


Darth Solo said...

@ the last Anon
Is that 2K gold a day? Man you're good!

Unknown said...

Some of us are just NOT cut out to switch factions... I rolled a Tauren warrior, leveled her to 52ish with some sustained attention. And after all that playtime, I was STILL trying to attack her Tauren partner, thinking he was a mob. He's lucky WoW doesn't allow friendly fire...