So we actually had a chance to play WoW together again last night and we did some questing in the Goldshire area. We went from 8-11 in levels. In a way, I almost think it would be better to let her play by herself so she can figure out how to use the map etc. We had a good time, but she said it felt like we were just running in circles. This is probably because I told her everything to do. Get this quest. Go here. Now go here. We need to kill x of these.
She would constantly get lost or run off in a random direction which I found to be pretty funny. She also played like a girl. I would be running up ahead and she would stop to see if I was paying attention to her. She found this to be hilarious. She said she is tired of casting wrath over and over so we will probably go get her bear for shortly.
Overall, it was a decent evening and we even got her a new haircut. AKA I showed her where is was and let her do her thing. Afterwards we played some Sodoku....which can be annoyingly frustrating.
Well, lets get the most important thing out of the way. I hope you have a lot of gold now that you showed her where to get her hair done. I am going to imagine between all the shops of the city and the ability to get her hair done, she should be fully rested almost all the time! :)
My wife would love to pay the game, but she will say that with 3 kids, there is no time for both of us to play. I did get her to sit down and run aroud a couple times. Like you said, it is actually quite funny to watch. She did a lot of cirlce...was no where near where she should makes me chuckle every time I think about it.
Yeah, I would be saying..go left...your other left....thats right, not left.
Plus I would do a dirty emote at her and she was like "I hope nobody else can see that" and I was like "Its ok, we are in goldshire :)"
She also got pissed when she asked if she could have a sheep for a pet and I immediately fried it and said "sure".
You really should let her take the lead.
I know it will be frustrating because she'll be doing things in a sub-optimal and slow manner, but it's much better as she can adapt to it at her own pace. I'd even go so far as to roll a healing character, so that you take more of a support role keeping her alive, rather than playing the game for her.
Yeah, I have considered that as well, but I have all the healing characters I want. She made a hybrid so she will be able to DPS and heal both of us. Ill prolly let her take the lead the next time we play. That way it also makes her read the quest text etc.
I second Rohan's comment. Do your best to check your drive, and let her take the lead.
When I started the game, part of the fun I had was wandering around to look at things.
I was also focused on doing quests one at a time, reading the story of the quest, and didn't feel the urge to batch 2, 4, 7 quests together in a grand quest-grinding circuit. The quest grinding makes sense if you want to reach high level as fast as possible, but I doubt it is smart to move so fast at this early point.
Step back and see if she can enjoy the game on her own terms...
You're a lucky guy, my fiance would never even consider playing. She isn't into the whole RPG thing, she'd much rather watch reality shows like rock of love. . .
My wife fell inlove with the Auction House =)
She's still lvl 62 but making some mad cash. She's really into proffesions, gathering, and gold making. She said it doesnt bother her to not be max level she just enjoys the trading goods and buying epic mounts for her alts.
Hopefully your fiance finds something that she'll like and get into be it 5mans, leveling alts, or gathering herbs.
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