Monday, November 30, 2009

Weekend Update

I did a bit of everything this weekend in WoW. I did some PvE, some PvP, and some leveling. Let me break it down like Vanilla Ice.

Instancing/Raiding: I did less of this than expected, but still did a little bit. Ran Heroic HoL on my Druid and my Warlock when it was the heroic daily. I still hate my Warlock's AOE dps. It is terrible. I do 3500 on bosses, but barely 2k for the instance overall. I dont think I tried to get in on any raids at all.

PvP: This is where I spent a good chunk of time on my Warlock this weekend. One day I teamed up with my former arena partner and we ran a bunch of Warsong Gulch matches. We won 75 percent which is much higher than the Alliance usually wins in our battlegroup. I also did a bunch of Wintergrasp matches so that I can get the PvP bracers. The only Wintergrasp we actually lost was when the match started and the Horde suddenly had 16 demolishers. I wonder when they are going to fix that bug. I am having much more fun PvPing on my Warlock.....but I still fucking hate rogues.

Leveling: Leveling was all about my DK this weekend. I gained one whole level and shoud gain a second today. I also picked up dual spec on my DK for when I actually do some instance. So far it has been questing only. I have the heirloom chest and shoulders which is a nice boost to my xp gain. Once I run out of rested on my DK, I may switch over to my Hunter for a bit. In other news, I started yet another RAF. This one is with my wife. I created a little Dwarf Priest and she created a NE Hunter. Priest DPS sucks. I have had to stick to bubbling her and healing unless I feel like going OOM almost instantly.

Short update this week. How was your weekend?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Turkey Day Brought Out the Turkeys

As the title was with some of the people playing last night?

First Turkey Award goes to a DK that lead a VoA 10 that I got into on my healer. I get there and the guy is wearing all PvP gear......with no enchants and no gems. The noob doesnt even have rings.....seriously. We ended up killing Koralon on a miracle (and having me and the other druid doing nearly 4k hps probably helped. We then killed Archavon and called it because the DPS was too low with the DK leading the raid doing a massive 1100.

The second and best Turkey award goes to a rogue that I ended up running UK with. A few pulls into the instance, he was doing 450 DPS!!!! I was like WTF? I noticed that he wasnt even using any poisons. When I brought up the poison issue he put on two of the same Anestetic 2 poison......yeah. After the first few room he had not done shit for damage....the tank then laughed at the terrible mace spec. Keep in mind that this rogue has fan of knives....and was doing that much dps. As we got into the room with the protodrake, I decided that I would challenge the rogue that I could outdamage them over the course of the instance as a healer.

Long story short.....I did it pretty easily actually. While healing and with nobody dying in the instance. That is my fail pug of the week. The image of the damage meter up top is that run.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Real Azeroth Heroes (Part 5)

This one was inspired by a comment by Fish.
Darraxus Presents: Real Azeroth Heroes

(Real Azeroth Heroes)

Today we salute you Mr. Retardin with Rez Sickness

(Mr. Retardin with Rez Sickness!)

You are a you own mind. Nobody can judge you because you do the judging.

(Could't Judge Wisdom on yourself in Real Life!)

And just like you, I will never read important tooltips like Rez sickness.

(Way to play like a nublet!)

So, hop back into into my PuG. Your 250 DPS is a rare commodity indeed.

(WTF are you level 60?)

So Mr. Retardin with Rez Sickness, have a Bud on me and enjoy your free gear. I know when the rez sickness leaves, you will be Mr. 800 DPS at level 80 Guy.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

When being low on the totem pole is good.

I have been playing my ret paladin quite a bit lately. I am enjoying just going and smashing face in instances. I am respectable dps usually coming in at around 3500. I am no Jong. Of course I am still wearing two greens on my Paladin and cant seem to upgrade the Titansteel Destroyer to save my life.

Unfortunately, even with my meager 3500 dps, I often times find that I will be in the top 10 of damage done in a 25 man. That is just suck. With the gear level most are rocking these days, I should be above the tank but still towards the bottom.

Today I was happy to be 4th from the bottom in a VOA 25. That meant that everyone was actually doing what they were supposed to be doing.

There was literally nobody outside the tank doing below 3k dps. It was beautiful. One shotted everything in VoA. We are not standing outside Ony 25. Hoping that goes as well. WOOHOO retard check.

Sometimes it is good to be one of the weaker links. It just means that you arent having to pick up everyone else's slack. You should still hold your own.

I heart ret dps.

Update: Smashed Ony 25 and tried to do Ony 10. Ony really sucks if the tanks are fuckwits. DUR DRAG DUH BIG ADD TO DUH WHELPS DURRRRRR.

Also, I am a Pilgrim on Darraxus. Hooray. Another title I will likely never use. Oh, and it is hilarious getting turned into a turkey on your mount. My rogue was a turkey on a mechanostrider.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Weekend Update

The weekend is over and I actually got to play quite a bit of WoW yesterday. Now that I have hit the gold cap, I dont really worry about the whole money making thing anymore, so I spent all of my time pew pewing stuff for the most part.

My sister was on and we ended up doing quite a few instance runs on her newly 80 warlock. I was running mostly on my Ret paladin as I was trying to get my t 8.5 Aegis of Been in Carwreck Helm. I ran a few Heroics and a few raids as well. There were some interesting things that happened in a few different places.

I did a VoA 10 on my Warlock that was about half fail. We wiped on Koralon twice. The tanks kept going down and wiping the raid. On the third attempt, it was literally full of win and fail at the same time. Once again, at about 10 percent, the tank bit the dust......but we didnt wipe. The two rogues evasion tanked him for about 9 percent until they got splattered on the ground. I dotted him up before I got splattered. He went down with two healers still standing and nothing else. We then went over to Emalon where we lost one of our DPS and wiped on the first try. Once again, a tank went down at the end and the adds were running amok when we took him down. Thankfully we didnt have all that fail on Archavon.

I also did a Heroic VH where a ret paladin came in with rez sickness......doing 250 dps. When the sickness cleared they did a whopping 1100.....WITH HALF EPICS.

As this post sat half finished I was running a Heroic Nexus with my guild. I love how people in ToC gear dont worry about aggro :P Nexus was the daily and was the very last one I needed for the "Proof of Demise" achievement.

I also started on the wonderfully easy thanksgiving holliday event. I am finished with everything but showering the rogues with feathers. The Turkinator was a pain in the ass, but I made a macro for targeting them and got it right away. I suggest doing your turkey hunting around the Eastvale Logging camp if you are Alliance.

Anyways, that was my weekend. How was yours?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

How dumb would we look......

If we did some of the things in real life that we did in the game. I already wrote a post about WoW vs Real Life here and here. This is something a bit different. This is how ridiculous we would look if we did some of the things in real life that we do in game.

How dumb would you look if you threw your hands up everytime you did a tree druid throwing hots......"Channel 2, Channel 3, Channel 4". On second though, that may be a good source of exercise for WoW players.

What if we pulled out a platter full of fish and plopped it down on the floor of uour office. "Hey boss, dont mind me, Im just getting my extra buffs for those flow charts later".

What if you COULD NOT STAND STILL. I am guilty of being a jumper in WoW. I even jump while I tank much of the time. I dont know how much your boss would appreciate you jumping on his desk and chairs while he is trying to make a business pitch. I guess you could blame it on Kris Kross, but that would be wiggity whack.

What if your clothes actually made you better at what you do. "Oh man I am so glad I got that Dress Shirt of the Accountant. It gives me plus 30 account penetration. It was a big upgrade over the Slightly Tattered Evil Dead Shirt."

What if we hired someone to be out own personal deadly boss mods. Instead of hearing the big bad wolf shouting "Run Away Little Girl", perhaps the Deady Boss Guy would say "Alt Tab Now Little Girl". And then receive a punch to the face for calling me little girl.

How pissed would people be if you brought 75 stray cats with you everywhere you went.

If something didn't work properly, you could fix it in style. Fax machine not going through? How about a heroic strike spinning back hand?

On the other hand, how fucking cool would be look if we rode a mammoth to work. As long is there isnt some douche who thinks he is Legolas trying to bring the man down.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

PvP vs. Punching Yourself in the Junk

Sometimes, this is a very difficult decision. Would I rather get Deathgripped then kidney shotted constantly, or would I rather just save the time and give myself an uppercut to the baby maker?

I can't make this decision for is a case by case basis. If you are geared for some PvP, I think it would be slightly less painful. If you are wearing all PvP gear, then perhaps what you need is a little bit of self inflicted S&M.

PvP is not quite like riding a bike. I stopped PvPing for the most part when I let my Warlock collect dust for several months during the expansion. I did well before, shouldnt I do well now? NO, NO I SHOULDN'T. New PvP spec plus no PvP gear equals OWNED. It is more like knowing how to ride a bike, then when you come back to said bike, you find out that it is now helicopter.....that hates you. Think Night Rider....only as a helicopter.....with an attitude like Bill O'Reilly.

Beside all of the pain and torture, there are some nice parts to PvP. If you enjoy shattering people hopes and dreams one killing blow at a time. If you do, you would be a GREAT in-law. There are times when you will feel almost invincible (especially depending on the class). Unfortunately, I am not a rogue or a death knight. I am a Warlock. Being a Warlock consists of hiding in the back and hoping that Rogues and Death Knight dont notice you conflagrating their faces off. Because if they do, you will soon be treated to the tilt o whirl that is melee PvP.

The tilt o whirl of melee PvP is when the bastards run in dizzying circles around your ass so that you cant target them. It is the single most irritating thing in the game, especially when you are stunned and slowed and there is a rogue sticking a rolling pin up your ass.

I do it for the challenge.....and I am not a fan of punching myself in the junk......not that there is anything wrong with that. If you are running some BGs in the reckoning group and you see a Warlock named Theladon melting faces, feel free to say hello.....or kek while you are killing me if you are a horde.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Clash of the Titans

So, there is a big raging war going on between Gevlon the Greedy Goblin and Marcko of Just My Two Copper. I read both of these blogs from time to time. Gevlon has some entertainment value with his ridiulous social commentarys and is probably the biggest reason that I hit the gold cap.

Marcko used to have a great sight for making gold. Then he converted most tips into his gold guide and started posting mostly garbage. I do enjoy some of his PvP videos and his Forums can be nice at times.

Apparently, Marcko wanted Gevlon to post a banner of his guide up on the Greedy Goblin. Gevlon wanted no part of it and picked his emails apart due to being pushed too far. Gevlon posted Marcko's email address on his site.

Who is winning this war right now? It looks like Gevlon to be honest. Not only has he got Tobold's backing him up, but Marcko is running around acting like he has sand in his vagina. Marcko left comments on Tobold's blog speaking nonsense saying that Tobold is trying to sully his name.

Marcko needs to put this behind him fast. He already has dirt on his face. Get a move on before the whole blogosphere starts to turn.

I like both blogs and will continue reading both of them. I think Marcko was wrong for being an overaggressive douchebag with his advertisement requests. Gevlon was not cool for posting Marcko's real personal information.

This looks like it is going to get ugly folks.

Perhaps I should make up a fake e-mail from Jong........and we can have an internet battle. PARODY IS A BREWING!!!!!

Loot Rules

So, in Pug there always seems to be all kinds of different loot rules and it varies from server to server. Should I ask to need? Should I greed everything? Should I pass and roll? Well Im glad you asked......and Beyonce is glad you did too. She is glad to tell you the loot rules.

Up in the UP (UP), we just cleared UP (up)
I'm doing my own little thing
You decided to greed (greed), but now you want to need (need)
Cause another brother outrolled me
I'm askin him (him), would he trade with me (me)
Don't pay him any attention
Cause I cried my tears (tears), QQed for years (years)
You can't be mad at me

Cause if you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it
If you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it
Don't be mad once you rolled a greed on it
If you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it

(2x) Wuh Uh Oh Uh Uh Oh Uh Oh Oh Uh Uh Oh

Cause if you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it
If you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it
Don't be mad once you rolled a greed on it
If you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it

(Verse 2)

I got belt on my hips (hips), tier 9 covering my lips (lips)
Hold me tighter than my Grunty the Marine
Leaving UP (up), new greaves on my butt (butt)
I can care less what you think
I need no permission, did I mention
Don't pay him any attention
Cause you had your turn (turn)
But now you gon' learn
What it really feels like to roll greed

Cause if you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it
If you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it
Don't be mad once you rolled a greed on it
If you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it

(2x's) Wuh Uh Oh Uh Uh Oh Uh Oh Oh Uh Uh Oh


Don't treat me to these things of this world
I'm not that kind of tank
Your loot is what I prefer, what I deserve
Here's some greaves that makes me then takes me
And delivers me to a destiny, to infinity and beyond
Pulling aggro as Arms
Say I'm the one who won
If you don't, you'll be alone
And like a ghost, I'll be in Ulduar

All the fresh 80's (7x's)
Now put your hands up

(2x's) Wuh Uh Oh Uh Uh Oh Uh Oh Oh Uh Uh Oh

Wuh Uh Oh

Cause if you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it
If you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it
Don't be mad once you rolled a greed on it
If you liked it then you should have rolled a need on it


Wuh uh oh

I know, not my best work. Big whoop wanna fight about it? :p

Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekend Update

Another weekend goes by.....and another with fairly minimal WoW playing. Not to say I didnt play at all, but it was a fairly small amount.

As I posted in my am now an official WoW Tycoon having hit the gold cap. I also did it while obtaining frivolous things that "Goblins" would stick up their noses at....and I dont care. I am glad to have finally hit it since that was one of my biggest goals. I can now spend more time doing instancing and pvp.

Speaking of PvP, that is what I have been doing for most of my play time recently. I have been attempting to get my Warlock as geared out as he can be for PvP. I have Deady chest, pants, and shoulders at the moment. I am at about enough honor for the gloves or bracers, but I think I am going to save a bit more for the furious cloak. I will then probably use my arena points and a bit more honor to pick up the deadly gladiator's helm. I also picked up one of the platinum disk trinkets that give me ninetysomething resilience. My resilience is currently sitting in the 400s. Not great, but getting there.

With transfering a lot of my gold around to my other toons I finally picked up dual spec with my Warlock. It is also a Destro build, but I got a lot more survivability talents. I am noticing that it is getting harder to kill me, and as I get accustomed to the destro pvp, I am killing stuff alot easier.

Before long, I will hopefully be the BG wrecking machine that I was during BC. Then perhaps I can team up with my old arena team mate to do some smashing.

Right now I am waiting for the stupid ass server to restart for some reason.

What kind of weekend did you have?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Big Bowl of.......

Dick.....for people who exactly emulate Gevlon and think that acting like an anti-social douchebag is the only way to get to the gold cap. I have a chopper. I have multiple epic flights. I have 75 plus pets on my warrior....and now I have the gold cap. The top one is me trying to get my gold out of the mail and being told that I am at the limit. The second is the amount of gold I had on my bank toon.

Just because you get things that you think look cool does not make you M&S. Over analyzing things that you don't truly understand such as why people do things make you and M&S.

That is my rant for today. I have already sent off much of my gold to my other toons so that they may celebrate.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Let the Rage FLOW Through You....

This is about those times when you let the rage flow through you like some late night Taco Bell. Have you ever done something in WoW and though......jeeze im a dipshit.

It could be anything really. People have rage deleted all of their toons for one reason or another. Usually they have to come slinking back to a GM and pretty please their way back into the came.

People rage quit guilds all the time. I WANT MAH LOOTZ IM QUITTING YOU!!!! Sometimes they go all Brokeback and come back with "I WISH I COULD QUIT YOU, REINVITE PLX".

One of the best rages I have heard of is from my former arena partner. I did arena with him for much of the first 4 seasons during BC. We got to 1800 as an affliction lock (me)/ ret pally combo. This was not an ideal comp in those days.

Anyways, the last two seasons he has just missed gladiator. When I say just missed, I mean he was in the mid 2000s for rating. His 2s arena partner for season 1 was on his team for season 2. This was a huge douchebag from the BC days who re-rolled DK when Wrath hit. Well, this douche was guaranteed Gladiator for his 2's team a decided to stop trying in threes. He basically brought in a bunch of randoms so they could get points for gold.

This is where my former arena partner when nerd rage. He deleted all of his arena gear from last season. He had it all. Shoulders, weapon, everything. I did not know about this until a few days ago. I told him to carry me in twos. He responded "I would, but I deleted all of my PvP gear". He is currently trying to build up a new set....currently he has a single piece....the chest from this season. He is sitting at over 1800 rating with 1 piece of arena gear. I guess it goes to show that skill is greater than gear.

As far as my own rage goes, I never do anything like deleting characters etc....though i have been known to yell at my monitor during......ARENA. Yes, Arena has been fun at times, but can also be the most mentally draining and rage inducing activity in WoW. Counter Comps are bitches.

Anyways, have any of you let the dark side loose in the past?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Inscription Borked

Inscription was my big money maker. Then MMO Champion posted a guide and it hasnt been the same. Most glyphs are going for under 4 gold at this point. Recently, I decided to make a change so that I could get to the gold cap a bit faster. It is fueled by gathering rather than buying materials from the auction house.

My Paladin is a double gatherer. Herbalism and Mining. Crusader Aura plus epic flying makes him perfect for this. When I have a bit of free time, I find myself flying around Wintergrasp picking up whatever I can find. There are two main reasons for Wintergrasp as my farming place. There seems to be a higher concentration of Titanium Nodes and there are Frost Lotus nodes. Titanium when prospected gives me a chance at an epic gem or maybe even some Scarlet Rubies.

I have been selling Frost Lotus for 64-75 gold. Epic gems seem to be going for around 175-200 cut, and Runed Scarlet Ruby have been going for 68-75 gold each.

I have been making more like this that I have at inscription for quite some time. Sometimes you just need to change it up a bit to make more gold instead of continuing to beat a dead horse.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do you feel Entitled?

When it comes to WoW, I know I do sometimes. Obviously none of these imaginary pixels actually belong to me, but there are certain instances when I felt that they should have. The last two times incidentally have been on my Warlock in VoA.

I am a big time backer of rewarding based on performance....which is why pugs may piss me off from time to time.

First instance where I felt entitled was when I lost some T9 gear to a Warlock doing about half the DPS and less than half that damage I was doing. The second came yesterday when I lost the T 8.5 leggings to a warlock doing 1.1k 25 man VoA. That probably translates to about 800 DPS outside of a 25 man (see my previous post). He was well and truly last in damage and DPS, well below the tanks.

Was I a bit of a dick about it? You bet I was. I hate seeing people rewarded for shitty performance. I quipped "Well, that should help your 1.1k dps". I then went AFK and did nothing on Archavon to collect my free three emblems. I still ended up with more damage done that that lock depsite sitting out AN ENTIRE BOSS.

Am I a dick sometimes? Yeah, big whoop. Do I feel entitled? Sure. Who wouldnt think they deserve a nice upgrade over some pudendum who apparently doesnt know what the fuck to do? (Thank you Onyxia Wipe Animation for that one).

So, if you are reading this rant and doing 800 DPS at level 80. Please.....GTFO OUT OF MY RAID!!!! Thank you.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Real Azeroth Heroes (Part 4)

Darraxus Presents: Real Azeroth Heroes

(Real Azeroth Heroes)

Today we salute you Mr. 800 DPS at level 80 guy

(Mr. 800 DPS at level 80!)

You are the Deathknight or Hunter rolling on cloth gear. You know why? You make cloth armor look GOOOODDDD.

(Deathknights look nice in dresses)

And just like you, people love to pick up offset gear.

(That better be for your RP set!)

So, hop back into LFG. I have no idea how you found it, but we are grateful.

(Leet DPS in my pug group!)

So Mr. 800 DPS at level 80, have a Bud on me and enjoy never reading any information about your class.It will make you more awesome in the long run.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend Update

Well, I am going to update you on my weekend if you want it or not. To be honest, there was not a lot of WoW going on this weekend. Most of the play time has been this morning. So, I will give you a mixed grab bag of weekend goings on, with my sensational real life self as well as WoW.

WoW Update: So, I actually didnt touch WoW until today really. I think I update my auctions once. Yeah, not terribly exciting. Today has been slightly more eventful as far as WoW goes. I started off by milling the thousand gold worth of herbs I bought. WHOPEE. Are you hearts racing with excitement yet? No?!? Yeah, well me either. I then turned the 500 plus inks into glyphs. I had been slacking incredibly on the glyph industry and was down to about 120 posted. Obviously they werent the best glyphs because those ones had sold out a while ago.

So, now I can continue on my not so incredible journey to the gold cap. The sad thing is that the majority of glyphs are going between 3-5 gold each. It is hard to make a bunch of money of such sucktastic profit.

I did my Wintergrasp weekly quests on my Warlock this morning and am sitting at around 54k honor. I kind of want to do another week of arena for some points before spending all of that honor. We owned the battleground as we usually do and then I jumped into LFG for some VoA action. I love how it is called Vault of Archavon when he is the shittiest easy boss in this expansion. We went in, smashed it up nicely and I got some t9 gloves out of the deal. I also ended up second on the damage meter at around 3300 dps. This is probably thanks to the fact that every thing in there is single target. No stupid AOE to bring down my numbers.

Real Life: So, real life was as I explained. I partied like a rock star. Well not quite like a rock star I suppose. There were no drugs and prostitutes I partied more like Kenny G or some shit. Went out for some karaoke with the buddies including Occeleta. We really were the most awesome people there. Most of the other singers were:

A) Old
B) Singing Depressing Ballads.

There was even a dude there that I started calling Chef since he sang like Isaac Hayes (RIP). Every song he sang was some sappy love song and his girlfriend would come up and dance with him half way through the predictable /facepalm.

As for me, I rocked out with my cock out. Well not really as I didnt want to go to jail.....and my wife would kill me. But I did rock the house with some AC/DC and some Bon Jovi. It was a nice change of pace from the slow, depressing, I want to shoot my face off stlye of the other karaoke singers.

Overall, it was an awesome time. I think I had 6-7 Jaeger Redbulls over the course of the evening. Well, that is what I ordered. I think the bartender thought that Jaeger and Redbull meant Jaeger with ice in it.

Anyways, back to the game.......hope you all had a fantastic weekend as well.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekend Time

The weekend is here and you will not be hearing from me until Monday. Its not because I don't love you....its because I will be busy doing one of two things

a) Awesome real life stuff. Because I only do awesome real life stuff. Non awesome real life stuff is a waste of time. In other words, I will be be nourishing my body with the drink of the gods.....Jaeger and Red Bull. I will also be tearing up some karaoke like it is nobody's business.

b) I will be doing awesome stuff in WoW. These awesome things include soloing the Lich King before the patch. No, not the actual Lich King....some Blood Elf retards named Arthhas or Arthus or something akin to Arthas, only with a bunch of characters that nobody knows how to fucking type. I will also be sticking left over fireworks up the arses of my vanity pets....they are only pixels, and when they go boom I can summon them again for my explody enjoyment.

So, its not you, Its me. I will be far to busy being delicious to type about the wonderful things I will be doing. In fact, I think I may enjoy creating cold fusion to power the world....either that or I will just get smashed. Choices are so tough these the world.....or have a few tasty adult beverages.

I hope everyone else has as awesome of a weekend as I will. I will party like a rock star. I will play wow like a rock star (do rock stars even play WoW?). I will drink a rock start while partying and playing WoW like a rock star. I will probably be watching Rock Star with Mark Wahlberg at the same time. Thats how Rock Star I am.

Oh, and one last non-WoW related thing. Watch the fights this weekend. Dawson-Tarver on HBO and Fedor-Rodgers on CBS. Peace out and have a nice weekend all!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

If E-Peens were real peens......

I would be John Holmes minus the AIDS.

Just kidding there. On a more serious note (which is not difficult after referencing a deceased porn star), confidence is one of the keys to doing anything well. This includes things such as WoW.

If you go out and grab it by the sack and make it cry for mercy, WoW will be your bitch. If you shuffle around in the corner like a 12 year old at their first dance, you are going to get your face owned.

Hardcore is not a play style. It is a frame of mind. You can sit there and claim to be hardcore because you killed Yogg or Anub or some shit. Or you can frost your tips and get to boning. The hardcore bone the game like a chihuahua bones your leg when you least expect it. You go out there, drink a big ole gulp of pimp juice and then just let it loose. You know they wanna put their feet on your rug......but you got too much pimp juice.

I know this doesnt make very much sense. It doesnt have to....because Im the muthfucking Pope of Pimp. And when you are the Pope of Pimp you can say whatever you want. Keep your heads up and play with confidence, and you will be ten times more awesome than you would ever be just reading "informational" sites. Make the game your bitch and you win.

Soooooo. Yeah. Mountain Dew just wore off. Sorry about that. Anyways, the main point was that if you play with confidence, you make up for a lot. Peace and chicken grease.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Good Medicine.....good pugs

So, last night I decided that I would actually do something other than reposting auctions. I grabbed my Warlock and got into a pug group that was doing a few instances. We started out with good ole reliable Violet Hold.

As much as I would love to tell the tales of a fail pug, this was anything but fail. We went in and one shotted everything. We got the Corehound boss and Zuramat the Obliterator for bosses. Neither one caused us any problems....except that Lavanthor killed my damn Imp. Poor little Zepuri. He seems to die in the fire more often that I would like....then I forget to resummon him.

From there, we decided to head over to the Nexus which was our Heroic Daily. Everything once again went smoothly....I died once on trash as the tank got frozen in place a bunch of times in a row. I am still quite annoyingly doing much higher single target DPS than AOE DPS. AOE for Warlocks used to be the time to inflate your it just seems to deflate it. One fun moment in the run came when someone actually fell to their death....into the abyss.

I was starting to get tired, but they roped me into one more. Heroc CoS, which was the regular daily. I really enjoy CoS, and this was no exception. We ran through it like a hot knife through butter. I passed on the drake because I still have not purchased epic flying on this toon and would rather give it to someone who can use it immediately.

With that nice chain of pug runs, it got me happy about WoW again. Good PuGs are the just the good medicine I needed....although a fail pug would have made for a better story :)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Need Me a Motivation Pill

So, I can play again.....I just haven't really. I dont know what it is, but I am having trouble getting back into the swing of things. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that wifey is still sick and at home.

Perhaps I am just not fully well myself and would rather just lay around and do nothing. I am currently replenishing some glyphs....which is something. The last few times I have posted auctions, they have expired before I reposted them. That should show how off I have been.

When I get home from work this evening, I will probably sit and play a bit. Hopefully, I feel like it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Back in the Hizzouse!

So yeah, I am back. And by back I mean not on my death bed. OK, I exaggerate a bit.....but I think I did have swine flu. Yuck. And Fuck. It a box with a fox. Yeah, those are the ramblings of a formerly fevered mind.

So, I wish there was a bunch of WoW stuff to update you on.....unfortunately I was actually too sick to play WoW for the entire week. Being too sick to play WoW mean you are off the flipping charts sick. You might as well strap on a diaper and hook yourself up to an IV.

It was the most miserable I have been in years. To top it off, I got my designated sick taker carer sick too (wifey). So the sick took care of the sick. We felt like we were damn plague bearers and stayed in the hobbit hole.

In other, actual good news, my buddy Occeleta finally got his computer fixed. Turned out it was his motherboard and one of his graphics cards. Now I have another buddy back playing.

Well, I hope to give you more WoW shit all during the week. I should hopefully be back to my good ole weekday posting routing.