Thursday, July 1, 2010

Getting That Itch

To play again. I guess I just miss the interactions with people while playing a game. May be back soon. We shall see.


Tam said...

Just when you thought you were out... ;)

Vordan said...

He doesnt miss the game, he misses the social aspect. Me my friend Mopar, Darr my brother we all get along, we all are friend but live a bit aways from each other. Like me, I live a little while from him, even when I was half the country away we connected through this game. It is social. Dont think Darr will come back just yet, Cat is coming out soon that will probably do it, but without it, I doubt its even worth it to him.

Unknown said...

Dooo it! I just got back about 2 weeks now. It's been fun so far. You can always quit again and then come back when Cata hits.

Fish said...

You can come back, you can always quit again, the devil says it's ok lol

Anonymous said...

Just reactivated 2 days ago, and boy was I having fun until...I ran out of rested xp on my mage alt. He's lvl 70 now, and the wait time for a dungeon is about 30 minutes, and half of the time you actually get into one the group gets pissy and splits up so you end up with nothing but wasted time and no xp. onto my warrior and was gonna tank a heroic (which I've done many many times quite well) and the group basically told me to cut my head off and shove it because my GS was only 4800, which I know isn't that great, but considering I used to tank just fine with it (I'm talking ToC5 here) before, it's a rather silly thing to bitch about. Guess they were just too lazy to have to maybe lay off one GCD so they didn't pull aggro in their 6k GS set.