Monday, September 24, 2012

Weekend Update: D3 LIVES!!!!

Yes, this weekend was spent mostly either playing MW3....or as mentioned in the above post, D3.

On the WoW front, I did very little once again. A transmog run of BWL, one scenario, and some auctioning. That was it. I am quite glad that MoP is coming out tomorrow.

I ended up playing a lot of D3 this weekend. I went into the weekend not expecting to play any.

It all started with my sister getting into some D3. She had started a new Barbarian, and I figured I would level along with her when she was on. She outleveled several characters, but I got play time on three toons I had not played much recently.

I gained a level on my Witch Doctor (level 12), two levels on my Wizard (level 22) and one level on my Monk (level 30). Next up in progression in my Demon Hunter at level 40.

That led to Bearness inviting me to run along through Act 3 since I had not yet completed it. At this point, Bearness is a whirlwinding machine of death. I am not a whirlwinding machine of death. I did pretty decent in my tanky build, but was not doing well at all in double whirlwind. We played up through destroying the Sin Heart before I had to log off.

Bearness was also nice enough to hook me up with a couple of great pieces of gear (including an super duper awesome Storm Shield).

With Pandaria coming out, I dont know that I will get a whole lot of playing time in WoW, but I actually enjoyed it and will certainly be logging back onto it.

I am now Paragon level 3 on my Barbarian, which is very unimpressive. At least there is some incentive to continue playing your high level characters.

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