Wednesday, March 3, 2010

For the 5 year Olds

Is this what WoW has come to? 5 year olds.

Let me explain.

I did another pug UK yesterday on my Horde Warrior. This one was going significantly better. Part through the run, the Warlock doing 1400 dps had to leave. He was replaced by a Deathknight.

The Deathknight wasnt really anything special, and his DPS was not as bad as some I had seen, but damn. Several times, the DK would faceroll right into a bunch of mobs. It was annoying. I would grab them, but this kept happening. Then the DK asked if we could turn the loot to free for all. Huh? No. Hell no. We said as much. The DK then says "Com on guys plez?"

Being the smart ass I am, I reply "I can haz free gold ploz?".

We roll through the instance without many problems. I skip a group of mobs and wait on the stairs for the rest of the group, knowing exactly what is going to happen. Boomkin follows closely. Shaman follows closely. Paladin follows closely. Deathknight runs right up to the group we are trying to skip and face pulls. I pick it up and we warn him that one more time and he is going to get kicked.

The the DK says "Sorry guys, I had my 5 year old brother playing. I am playing now though."

Shortly after, he says "And don't talk to my brother like that."

Don't tell him that if he keeps being an idiot we are going to boot him.

To which I reply, in the classiest way possible "I will punch your fucking brother in the face."

We move on and the amazing thing....THE DKS DPS GOES DOWN.

I then ask the Deathtard if he can have his 5 year old brother play again because he does more dps.

We finish the rest of the instance without much difficulty. The fact that the DK died on Ingvar kinda goes without saying.

If you are going to let your 5 year old anything play, please have them quest or something. They generally just want to go beat up some monsters. Don't set them up for failure by putting them in an instance where they may be insulted for bad performance.

Yes, WoW is a game. Yes, kids can play it. Hello Kitty Adventure Island it aint.


Anonymous said...

Sigh. Parents need to supervise their kids. Seriously.

Arioch said...

Nice touch asking for the kid back, lol.

Back in the StarCraft days I would get that all the time. I did a lot of players vs. computer maps and there would generally be one asshat that would try to go rogue and kill us all. After cleaning them off the map, they would invariably come back with, "hey, sorry, that was my little brother, don't kill me." Yeah, right. You got hosed and you know it.

Karial said...

"If you are going to let your 5 year old anything play, please have them quest or something."

If you're going to let your 5 year old anything play, please when you come back at least be better than them.

Anonymous said...

My 9-year-old plays a DK, but she generally pulls 1.9-2k. And she's more likely to err by not keeping up with the group rather than pulling too much.

Antigen said...

' To which I reply, in the classiest way possible "I will punch your fucking brother in the face." '

Hahaha oh man...

Sadly, it's the younger kids that are getting the edge over older players. Quicker reflexes, more brain cells (i.e. lower alcohol consumption), diets of pure sugar and adrenaline...

No wonder the PvP atmosphere is as immature as it is.

Grimmtooth said...

"Can your brother come back ... "



Anonymous said...

It's got to be the oldest excuse in the book... I remember a Wailing Caverns run some 4 years back when this player was just flat out abusing us all... For the fun of it.

Just as it reached it's peak, the next comment on screen was...

Sorry guys, it was my little brother....

But yeah, bring back the 5yo!

Tobold said...

Were you in a group with Spinks on that? She has exactly the same story posted.

Copperbird said...

I actually linked to this post, Tobold ;)